Goalie Wars Tournament

Goalie Wars is a 1v1 tournament specific to the Goalkeeping position.  The tournament is open to Boys & Girls birth years 2016 – High School Ages.  There are 4 games guaranteed (Plus a possible semi-final, and a possible final).

Goalie Wars will be played on approximately a 30 yd long by 20 yd wide field, divided in half by a midfield line. A U10-U12 size goal sits at both ends of the field. Each goalkeeper plays in one half of the field defending their goal, while trying to score on the goal of the opposing goalkeeper.

Goalie Wars is a challenging 1v1 tournament that is enjoyable for goalkeepers of all ages.

To view the Goalie Wars tournament rules please CLICK HERE

Tournament Information:


TournamentDateTime FramePriceRegister

For more information please contact the Tournament Directors:

Bryan Grussgott

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For media inquiries please contact Shelley@SoccerCenters.com